Effective Corrective Maintenance Strategies for Managing Volatile Software ApplicationsEffective Corrective Maintenance Strategies for Managing Volatile Software Applications
Index Terms: Knowledge management, software maintenance management, information systems quality, software volatility, corrective software maintenance
203.21 Kb. 8
Acm turing award goes to innovator in machine learningAcm turing award goes to innovator in machine learning
Valiant Opened New Frontiers that Transformed Learning Theory, Computational Complexity, and Parallel and Distributed Computing
15.98 Kb. 1
David dunningDavid dunning
Faculty Affiliate, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research
196.29 Kb. 2
Preliminary syllabusPreliminary syllabus
This document does not represent a final syllabus for the class. I may change assignments and activities before the start of the fall semester. However, I have tried to give a fairly accurate impression of the plan
28.07 Kb. 1
Boston gas company d/b/a V. The board of assessorsBoston gas company d/b/a V. The board of assessors
G. L. c. 58A, § 7 and G. L. c. 59, §§ 64 and 65, from the refusal of the appellee to abate taxes on certain real estate and personal property in the City of Boston owned by and assessed to the appellant under G
0.6 Mb. 8
Species fact sheetSpecies fact sheet
Speyeria coronis nr coronis, stating that while these individuals resemble S. coronis coronis
3.38 Mb. 1


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